Summer Brilliance I and II ; diptych
The abstracts of power and survival are twined in purpose as water rushes over and around obstacles in its path… a strong metaphor for the journey of our lives. Life is a river of choices as we come against the boulders of decision. What will we choose? Will we go over or around, or be stuck in an eddy and drown? The eddys of life are where God, in His compassion and mercy, reaches down and grabs us from our death. He breathes His saving breath into our soul, lets us gain strength in the quite of a shallow pool, and then sets us off once again to bump over and around the boulders along our way.
Size: 48 in. × 60 in. (4 ft. x 5 ft.) each • Materials: Acrylic on Canvas • Cost: $11,000 includes I and II; separately $6,500 each