Sunrise at the Corner

It was a beautiful morning, the air had that cold back to it; winter was near. It had been a few months of frenetic busy-ness as a myriad of domestic projects consumed my attention. I needed to paint, to pivot, in today’s vernacular to re-boot. As I walked out with my dogs, I asked God to center me in Him, to fill me, to calm me, to inspire me. As I turned the corner, I was awed by the starkness of the beauty before me. The vivid colors of the morning sky overwhelmed the trees into silhouettes and the contrast between dark and light, cool and warm, active and passive, answered my prayer as I pulled an old envelope from my pocket to capture the moment.

Size: 60 in. × 48 in. (5 ft. x 4 ft.) • Materials: Acrylic on Canvas • Cost: $6,200
